Category Archives: HIM

One Question

Last week I began reading Francine River‘s Sons of Encouragement, I’m currently on the story of Aaron. The more I read, the more irritated I get. I mean COME ON!!

That reaction is to the attitude of the Israelites. Even with physical evidence, they didn’t trust God. Their trust was totally dependent on their needs being met. As soon as their puny little minds believed that God was holding back on them, all hell would break loose. They actually wanted to go back to captivity.

Scrap the fact that he had proved himself by showing them all those signs and wonders back in Egypt. Heck, the Red Sea parting… erase that! The Manna & Quail…pssh! They wanted water and they wanted water NOW!!

Yet, even as my face betrayed my disgust for the attitude they portrayed, I was reminded of the millions of times, I too had demanded water. ‘Did you bring me to this point to kill me??’ I asked as I raised my fist at God.

You see, I believe in what I see, touch and feel. The physical. This supernatural mumbo jumbo just doesn’t cut it. However, when I look over the past year, the Physical has disappointed me at almost every turn. Every time, I put my trust in what I saw, disaster befell me, literally.

Which begs the question: Why do we trust some much in the tangible even though, it has disappointed us numerous times? God who on the other hand doesn’t change, is much harder to trust because we cannot see him and hardly ever hear him.


Posted by on September 12, 2011 in Devotions, GOD, HIM, Life


Sense of Belonging

Belonging. This is actually a need. Even for those who feel superior to the issues of other mere mortals, you to have belonging bug in your system. You belong to the group that think they are superior.

I remember when visual fx was the in thing for me – I couldn’t wait to rub shoulders with professionals – I loved the glory associated with creating sleek moving graphics. Then there was the writing phase, first in P5; when i wrote my first romance novel (surprisingly i wasn’t in love or crushing on anyone at the time), this plot was abandoned in P6, but it cropped back up in S.2 and later in S.4 vacation. The S.2 novel was really my expression of power, lol, I’d listen to my friends reaction to the book and then kill or maim the person they loved, dramatically changing the story – no, my childhood wasn’t disturbed. You see, my class had these two amazing girls from Kitante, who also wrote – but their stories were a lot more superior to mine. The S4 Vacation book was little more powerful for me, it was a story that had grown in me for a little while, by the time I got to write it, I loved it from the start – then I lent it to my friend, tehehehe, and she misplaced it.

Anyway, fast forwarding along the line, there came blogging, I was first on blogger, but it was a lonely time – I got only one post up 🙂 and I had no idea that a Blogren existed. Then, I was introduced to wordpress and the UG Blogren, soon after that, we met and fell in love with Twitter. Needless to say, there always seems to something new coming up.

I guess what really matters is the why behind what we are doing. I remember my exercise craze from a few months ago – you should have known what motive was – I guess, when you catch the reason/motive behind; what you are doing, who you are dying to hang with, who you want to hire – you will have a fairly good idea why something is going the way it is.

What’s your reason?


Posted by on September 1, 2011 in Devotions, GOD, HIM


Following Him Into The Unknown

Either we wake to tackle our “to do” list, get things done, guided by our morals and whatever clarity we may at the moment have (both rather lacking to the need, I might add); or we wake in the midst of a dangerous Story, as God’s intimate ally, following him into the unknown.

If you’re not pursuing a dangerous quest with your life, well, then, you don’t need a Guide. If you haven’t found yourself in the midst of a ferocious war, then you won’t need a seasoned Captain. If you’ve settled in your mind to live as though this is a fairly neutral world and you are simply trying to live your life as best you can, then you can probably get by with the Christianity of tips and techniques. Maybe. I’ll give you about a fifty-fifty chance. But if you intend to live in the Story that God is telling, and if you want the life he offers, then you are going to need more than a handful of principles, however noble they may be. There are too many twists and turns in the road ahead, too many ambushes waiting only God knows where, too much at stake. You cannot possibly prepare yourself for every situation. Narrow is the way, said Jesus. How shall we be sure to find it? We need God intimately, and we need him desperately.

“You have made known to me the path of life,” David said (Ps. 16:11). Yes-that’s it. In all the ins and outs of this thing we call living, there is one narrow path to life, and we need help finding it.

Published, 19th Aug, Ransomed Heart // Daily Reading


Posted by on August 22, 2011 in GOD, HIM, Inspiration, Life


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Do You See Me??

Feels like i`ve been here forever,
Why can`t you just intervene?
Do you see the tears keep falling?
And i`m falling apart at the seams.

So I`ll stop searching for the answers,
I`ll stop praying for an escape,

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Posted by on August 20, 2011 in GOD, HIM, Inspiration, Life, Music


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Redeemer Saviour Friend

Every stripe upon Your battered back
And every thorn that pierced Your brow
Every nail drawn deep through guiltless hands
Said that Your love knows no end
Redeemer Savior Friend

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Posted by on August 2, 2011 in God's Grace, HIM, Inspiration, Life


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Weekend Weekend!!!

Lol, it’s really sad to note that that was the first time I’ve been out that late in ‘ages’!!! Saturday’s “Masquerade” party was awesome..Complete with masks and all…

I had one of the cutest masks EVER!!! I post a picture of it sometime. Mob props to the organizers, the mask makers, the byunful ladies at the sign-up desks, the ones at the bar.

I also go to meet my twitter celebs: helleNyana, Normzo and Sibo … The other one for some reason (am guessing it is a good one), foxed me. By the time I realised he had foxed, I had already embarrassed myself. (sigh) What a girl has to do at a masquerade party.

So I had the perfect excuse to go around looking for him. I met quite a few people. So I’d walk up to some cute unsuspecting guy, and go, “Hey” with this saucy grin on my face…I jazz them about these awesome t-shirts that piff has made, then when they pull the ‘later’ line – I smile and say okay: hand thrust forward: “whats ur name” – Phillip, Simon, Peter, Dave….(Names have been changed for security purposes 🙂 , Yah! I can’t remember them )

Anyway, on our way to find a taxi, this guy in his heavily tinted-windowed car starts flashing his headlights at us, am like in your dreams buster!! I grab my baby sisters hand, pulled her closer and walked away hurriedly.

We finally get a taxi and guess what happens around Kampala Road. White Prado whizzes passed up, full speed ahead, honking to get pips out of the way. Close on his tail was a cop on a motocycle. The taxi errupted in laughter – and as usual, they were laughing at the cop.

As we approached Javas bombo road, we found them there. A small crowd had started to gather around them. It would seem that the Prado had given out coz the cop was still on his bike, just in case the guy pulled any fast ones.

Drama followed me, at the stage, while i stood waiting for a boda, this guy in his really awesome BMW, decides to slow down behind me, guy then decides to make the turn, and pass me in slow motion – FOR REYO!!! By the time he passed, I had seen the interior of his car. He stopped a few metres away from me, then after a minute or two he drove of slowly.

My boda finally arrived, we find the guy waiting for another car to pass. So we ride passed him, puh-leese!! as soon as the taxi had passed, it’s like the guy found his accelerator, dude came after as full speed flashing his lights – In my paranoia, I glared at the car and when he was almost nose to nose with the boda, I glanced at his number plate.

Reminded me of the time my sister told me of her journey from church. She was on a boda, and a car starts tailing them, soon after the guy drives at the same speed as the boda, he then rolls down his window and starts to bargain for my sister with the boda man. Offering the guy money!! The guy followed them till the stage, boda guy dropped her right in front of the taxi. So you now understand where the paranoia came from….

Anywho, how was your weekend?


Posted by on November 9, 2009 in HIM, piff


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