Category Archives: Life

One Question

Last week I began reading Francine River‘s Sons of Encouragement, I’m currently on the story of Aaron. The more I read, the more irritated I get. I mean COME ON!!

That reaction is to the attitude of the Israelites. Even with physical evidence, they didn’t trust God. Their trust was totally dependent on their needs being met. As soon as their puny little minds believed that God was holding back on them, all hell would break loose. They actually wanted to go back to captivity.

Scrap the fact that he had proved himself by showing them all those signs and wonders back in Egypt. Heck, the Red Sea parting… erase that! The Manna & Quail…pssh! They wanted water and they wanted water NOW!!

Yet, even as my face betrayed my disgust for the attitude they portrayed, I was reminded of the millions of times, I too had demanded water. ‘Did you bring me to this point to kill me??’ I asked as I raised my fist at God.

You see, I believe in what I see, touch and feel. The physical. This supernatural mumbo jumbo just doesn’t cut it. However, when I look over the past year, the Physical has disappointed me at almost every turn. Every time, I put my trust in what I saw, disaster befell me, literally.

Which begs the question: Why do we trust some much in the tangible even though, it has disappointed us numerous times? God who on the other hand doesn’t change, is much harder to trust because we cannot see him and hardly ever hear him.


Posted by on September 12, 2011 in Devotions, GOD, HIM, Life


Wrong Worship

As much as this is funny, it is also truly sad!

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Posted by on September 7, 2011 in Devotions, Life, Music


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please remember, my month of september

So far, this year has all but chewed me up and spat me out, ground the remains, then sent them through the shredder before the incinerator was called upon.

You see, am supposed to be planning, preparing and blah blah – Yeah, that’s right, I currently sipping a tall glass of lemonade. This was all until Monday morning happened to me ;). I’ve been going around, writing bitter tasting posts, singing the song; if they knew my story, boo-hoo me, everybody hates me, why me – talk about doing badly, indeed.

Well, Monday morning, i noticed something (blame it on the curse of seeing the little details), and suddenly, I was filled with a sense of calm. No, I am don’t think I should call it the peace of God, for you see, this particular thing should have set me on edge, but it didn’t.

I have been unconsciously choosing to hold on to it, my past uncertainty, my past doubt, my past choices – rethinking, reanalysing each step of the way – Yup, extremely unhealthy I know! Then i remembered a devotional that i read much earlier in the year…

It talked about why God chose to take the Israelites through the wilderness, because, you see there was a shorter more direct route available. The focus wasn’t the destination but it was the journey to the destination. Like me, their focus was on the ‘get-me-to-the-promise’, man I cannot wait – yet God’s focus was, I desire for you to know me, for you to trust me, let’s take this route instead, I am longing to show you who I say I am. Trust me.

And that is exactly what I did, let it go, and keep walking.

Haha, no, everything isn’t magically okay now, and no, certain individuals still treat me different, but that is when I remember, we are all human, and it is in our human weakness that God is made known. You know, the glow that shines on you when you feel like crap.

Yes, so this letting-go-thing is quite liberating. Last evening, like most Kampalans, I rushed out of office to avoid the rain and traffic. I got to my stage in record time, 15mins, and then there were no taxis, when one comes along 30 minutes later, we were literally pushing and shoving our way in. Then we got held up in traffics for close to an hour. The skies opened, and down came the rain in millions of angry sheets. My immediate thought was, Lord, what is your problem?? Can’t you see I am trying here??? and then it occured to me, I have never walked/danced/sang in the rain before. No, I am not kidding! So when the taxi made the miraculous ascent up the steep slippery gullied-hill (bytheway, thank you for that Lord.), and stopped at my stage, I jumped out, opened my run-down-broken excuse of an umbrella and shielded my hair.

That was when I saw it. The huge road-gullies were filled with water rushing about angrily, with the rain still pouring I made my way toward it timidly. I began calculating the probability of my shoe being taken away by the current, what were the odds I will fall, I wondered. Adjacent to me, a little pub open for business, in front of the pub, the locals already warming themselves with a little something, sat staring at me. I was their evening’s entertainment, I’ll wager a few placed bets.

As I walked up and down the gulley in the pouring rain, I finally said to hell with it. I inched as close as I could get with out falling, drew a deep breath, then jumped. Yes, my eyes were shut at that moment. You have no idea how liberated I felt at that moment. As I walked up the hill, a conqueror returning from a conquest, I thought hit me – ‘while you are here, you might as well take pictures of this feat’. Yup, and wouldn’t you know it, I fulled out the little camera, and began snapping away – yes, it was still pouring pretty hard.

Awww man, I loved it! True, my shoes may never recover, my hair is… well… as it is, but I loved it!

Even know as the rain has just started falling again, I’m smiling to myself, because I have a secret…

You no longer have a hold on me.


Posted by on September 6, 2011 in GOD, God's Grace, Inspiration, Life, Me


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Until We Are Broken, Our Lives Will Be Self-Centered

True strength does not come out of bravado. Until we are broken, our life will be self-centered, self-reliant; our strength will be our own. So long as you think you are really something in and of yourself, what will you need God for? I don’t trust a man who hasn’t suffered; I don’t let a man get close to me who hasn’t faced his wound. Think of the posers you know-are they the kind of man you would call at 2:00 A.M., when life is collapsing around you? Not me. I don’t want clich?s; I want deep, soulful truth, and that only comes when a man has walked the road I’ve been talking about. As Frederick Buechner says,

To do for yourself the best that you have it in you to do-to grit your teeth and clench your fists in order to survive the world at its harshest and worst-is, by that very act, to be unable to let something be done for you and in you that is more wonderful still. The trouble with steeling yourself against the harshness of reality is that the same steel that secures your life against being destroyed secures your life also against being opened up and transformed. (The Sacred Journey)

Only when we enter our wound will we discover our true glory. As Robert Bly says, “Where a man’s wound is, that is where his genius will be.” There are two reasons for this. First, the wound was given in the place of your true strength, as an effort to take you out. Until you go there you are still posing, offering something more shallow and insubstantial. And therefore, second, it is out of your brokenness that you discover what you have to offer the community. The false self is never wholly false. Those gifts we’ve been using are often quite true about us, but we’ve used them to hide behind. We thought that the power of our life was in the golden bat, but the power is in us. When we begin to offer not merely our gifts but our true selves, that is when we become powerful.

(Wild at Heart , 137-38)

Published, 30th Aug, Ransomed Heart // Daily Reading

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Posted by on August 30, 2011 in Devotions, Life


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Andy Kristian Photography

Today, I would like to give a shout out to Andy & Sonia over at Andy Kristian Photography.

I absolutely adore their photography, check them out

Photo Credit: Andy Kristian Photography


Posted by on August 28, 2011 in Inspiration, Life


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this is me.

i am trp, known to some as the rising page, and to others as Devyn Princess.

i love babies and i have recently fallen in love with being pregnant. i cannot get over what it would feel like to have a baby grow inside of you, poke you, wake you up at midnight. i overwhelmed with sadness when i see mothers struggling with children in public transport, worse still fathers carry their little ones in the pouring rain making their way home.

i love great design, and in fact this afternoon i shall be going over to the craft market to buy a medallion i saw – well may be i’ll buy two instead. when i was 7 years young, i fell in love with computers, told my dad that i would work with them when i became older – alas, that is exactly what i am doing. in as much as i love design as a whole, website design always intrigues me more. i was introduced to adobe flash by these talented people, you can call me a flash junkie – i love any excuse to use it. actual website development without using flash has been a playing field for me over the past 12 months – teaching myself, stumbling along the way, getting frustrated and fighting with my computer during the long nights but I love it all the same.

i greatly admire people who are living out their dreams, i totally love people who act on the call of God on their lives. i love people who are a part of something, something bigger than themselves. i love people who push themselves and are constantly redefining their limit. i’m constantly in my itunes listening to inspiration from everywhere – music, podcasts, audio books. some of the people that love and absolutely adore are charity water, addmaya, design kingdom, oasis la church, hillsong london, catalyst leadership, newspring church, celebration church… to mention but a few. recently, i visited the charity water site and I noticed that their logo is actually in lowercase with a full stop. (yes like that one). So this entire post is dedicated to charity water and all her initiatives…

i believe i have been called cheeky, not really sure what this means. my heart has been broken several times to the point i’m not sure there is much left. i still believe in old skool love – the brown sugar kind – all consuming & immersive kind and as i wait, i shall be working me out – preparing me for the experience of a lifetime, yes – i am also a hopeful romantic.

i love writing; to be able to create something, imagine it and accurately express it to someone else; oooohh! may be i just like creating. i make funny faces everytime i am infront of a mirror, i like a diverse range of music – mix and mash everything together.

sometimes when i’m walking down a road and you see me smile for no apparent reason, know that i’m having a chat with my abba and he is just doing his thing. i love him and the love he has for me, i cannot even begin to explain.

i cry in the rain and on the bathroom floor, i love javas fries and icecream sundae (the one that comes with brownies). i love my friends completely and totally and would do anything for them.

i am a true melancholic.

and you?

i realise i have gone overboard, but this was started by the fabulous Angela Kintu over at hers. so please join us on this self discovery path of who we are, seeing as i am good at following instructions i shall let you know the upside of this…

on a separate line of awesomeness. If you do this for me, it will be the equivalent of signing my bra.

Now, all of you, if you do not do this in like the next 235 minutes, you will have four years of fleas and a kitten somewhere will die from being sat on by a Transformer.

(Qoute has been edited to suit the current blogger 🙂 )


Posted by on August 26, 2011 in Life, Me


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